Bohemia Village Voice  Bohemia Village Voice

For bohemians everywhere

Kim Forward Labour

Voice: What is your background? Kim: I was born in Bexhill and grew up in Staplecross, where my father was the village bobby. I came to St Leonards in 1979. I have five children, all of whom were educated in Hastings. I’m a teacher by profession. I started in 1981 at Bodiam, then Westfield, and assorted schools in town, most recently Red Lake and Saxonmount. I decided to have a career break, so am now able to stand as a councillor and do voluntary work. I want to put something back into the community, so I’m a governor at Filsham Valley School, secretary of St Matthew’s Gardens Residents’ Association, and a director at the Southwater Area Assn.
Voice:  What is your political experience? Kim: My grandfather was a Welsh miner, so I’ve got solid working-class labour roots. My grandfather on the other side was a farm labourer. I joined the Labour party when I started teaching, so I’ve been a member for a very long time. I’ve always been involved locally with Labour, helping by doing leafleting and other things.
Voice: What are the local issues? Kim: I do lots of doorstep canvassing and people are always concerned with the same things. Bohemia shops opening and then closing again, street cleaning, litter, dog mess. They want the area to look cared for. I’ve had a walk around the alleyways, and they’ve been cleaned up. We’ve got fantastic street wardens. They do come in fairly quickly to investigate. Parking. Parking by schools: car-sharing and walking buses – but these require parents to show some degree of commitment. Broken paving stones causing stumbling and falling – that’s now been done. Lack of facilities for teenage children. People want youth clubs where young people can be in an unstructured environment and still be safe. People’s responsibility and respect for others and build up a community feeling. 
Voice: What do you plan to do if elected? Kim: To work hard! As I’ve had a career I’m used to structuring round a full-time job. Listen to people, get my finger on the pulse, and then respond. Not necessarily doing it for people but helping them to move forward. Empowering them. An advocate for local people in Gensing. Also wider issues for Hastings; to make the town a nice place so that people want to move here so the whole town moves forward, attracts employers and becomes more prosperous.
Voice: What distinguishes you from the other candidates? Kim: Energy, enthusiasm and a very personal knowledge of Hastings and St Leonards gleaned from living and working here so long. A particular insight into children and young people due to my experience. An ability to listen and empathise with people. The ability to work as part of a team. I’m used to working with other organisations and groups of people. Willingness, and an ability to learn. It’s a positive choice to do this, and therefore I’m committed.

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